Discover farming world-wide

Independent movie productions on DVD and 4K-Streaming

Who are the film makers?

The two inde­pen­dent film makers, Jörn and Tammo Glä­ser from Ger­many are the per­so­na­li­ties behind For more than 15 years the brot­hers have been tra­vel­ling far and wide to other count­ries, in order to seek out impres­sive new sto­ries on agri­cul­ture and agri­cul­tu­ral engi­nee­ring. They are sup­ported by an inter­na­tio­nal film audi­ence, who share this spe­cial, extre­mely exten­sive view of world-wide agriculture.

Exciting videos on agricultural engineering

Order on DVD or stream from 14,90 Euro!

Highlights and exclusive content on YouTube

We regularly present new short films, reports and exclusive test drive videos on our YouTube channel. Stop by!

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